Dear friends,
I miss you terribly!
But instead of blabbing about WHY I haven't posted recently,
I am going to show you my latest project!
My husband's family is in town and we have a 2-year old grandaughter.
I could not resist when I saw this wooden rocking elephant on Craigslist!!!
My friend Jeff gave him new rocking legs!!!
Can you see "KAMRON" written above the tail?
Awwww... I wonder where is Kamron now!
Since I was painting it put in a little girls room, I gave it a coat of ASCP Paris Gray...
Then a coat of ASCP Antoinette...
Then I distressed quite a bit, because I wanted the grey to show underneath. and I gave it a coat of Cece Caldwell Satin Finish.
Asha LOVED IT! She jumped right on it when she saw it!
I will try to get a picture of her on it to show you!
Yesterday she noticed the elephant had a boo-boo...
The nose is broken! I just noticed this after I had bought it.
And here is what she did:
Can you se the Band-Aid??? LOL!!!
She is adorable!!!
I was thinking of repairing it, but it looks great with the Band-Aid, don't you think?
I will be writing more posts SOON!
Hugs galore to all my readers!
I am bringing this Pink Elephant to party at: